August 31, 2020 1 min read
Reaper Minis makes 5 poses of a super adorable dragon figures named Rocky. We are running a paint at home competition with the Rocky Figures this month.
Getting in on this competition is super easy. Just stop by the store, pick out your Rocky figure, and pay $2 to sign up. Then you paint up your Rocky however you wish and bring the finished figure back to the store by September 24th. Judging will take place from Sept 25th to 30th.
Michael & Aaron will be the final arbiters!
1) Can I purchase multiple Rockys for testing?
Absolutely you can. However, you can only submit one Rocky for the Competition.
2) Is modification of the figures allowed?
Absolutely. These are your figures, go wild if you wish, but don't get so elaborate that you cannot finish the figure in time.
3) Are there prizes?
Yes there are. 100% of the entry fee and a portion of the model price will be split up among the finalists, as decided by Michael and Aaron.
4) I want to show off my figure early, where can I post pictures
Join us over on our Discord Channel and post pictures in the Monthly Painting Competition.
5) Will there be more of these?
That is the plan. We may skip months occasionally, but plan to have painting competitions frequently.
6) I am not good at painting, should I participate?
Painting is a hobby and an acquired skill. The more you paint, the better you will become. If you would like constructive feedback on your figure, please just ask. We would be happy to assist you!
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