August 12, 2019 1 min read

There is much anticipation for the release of the Magic: the Gathering Commander 2019 release, and here is what you need to know about it and what is going on here at Armada. 

There are 4 decks in this set
Faceless Menace - a UBG deck based around Morph
Mystic Intellect - a RWB deck based around Flashback
Primal Genesis - a RGW deck based around Populate
Merciless Rage - a BR deck based around Madness

Full deck lists have been published already and can be found at this article on Wizard's Webpage.

For Commander Weekend, we are going to be hosting open play Commander all day both Saturday and Sunday. There is an achievement sheet as part of Commander weekend, and anyone who completes the achievements will receive promos of their selection from what we have on hand. We will be giving away a number of the M20 Promo Packs as well. 

Preorders for all 4 decks are open in store or by calling us. Each is $44.95.

Join us for some fun battles with new Commanders, new cards, and make some new friends!