October 31, 2020 1 min read

Did you know that Temple Terrace Library has a selection of board games available to check out? That is right, you can stop by and pick up a game to play at home (at the time of posting, this program is suspended due to Covid). 

Over the years, we have given many games to the Library, adding hobby style games to their selection. We want to add several new and classic family games to their library and will be doing that throughout the month of November. 

A portion of our board games sales for the month of November are going to fund this. Enjoy our normal discounted prices and help fund the Library's board game selection expansion. 

At the end of November, we will use the money raised to buy games for the Library at our cost. These will be family focused games playable by all ages. We will include several educational games and some new awesome games. The sky is the limit on this one, as the more board games we sell in November means more games for the Library. 

If you are planning on giving board games as gifts, pick them up early and help us help the Library!