
AP Glue: Battlefields Basing Glue

TAP GL2013

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From Army Painter:

The Army Painter’s Battlefield Basing Glue is a
special, non-toxic glue perfect for glueing rocks, sand, grass, or other basing
material to a miniature base or your terrain.

A miniature’s base is just as important as the actual
figure. This is because it contributes to the overall gaming experience, adds
to the aesthetics and visual appeal of the figure, and helps convey the
character's background or environment. Adding details such as sand, rocks, and
tufts can take the mini’s look to a higher level. To do so, you only need basing materials and

The Battlefield Basing Glue is a non-toxic PVA glue
(Polyvinyl Acetate) ideal for all terrain building, scenery making, and
miniature basing. It is water-soluble, meaning you can thin it with water to
achieve the desired viscosity. When wet, the PVA glue is white and becomes
transparent after drying.