
Stormcast Eternals Vanguard-Hunters


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Collections: Stormcast Eternals

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Vanguard-Hunters. They come with a host of details, appropriate to their constant movement and veteran status: 2 shock handaxes and 10 sets of boltstorm magazines to attach to their waists, as well as grappling hooks and satchels. 2 arms featuring reloading boltstorm pistols are included as an optional assembly.

2 models in the kit can hold an astral compass – perfect for nomadic guerilla warfare, this arcane device allows them to navigate impossible geometries with ease, and thus attack the enemy from angles they least expect.

2 models can be assembled as Hunter-Primes – these variants feature a unique, sculpted shoulder pad with a bear motif, and carry their own shock handaxe, with inflicts extra attacks in-game.

This kit is supplied with 10 Citadel 40mm Round bases.