April 11, 2022 2 min read

Greetings, General! 
The horn has sounded, Gondor.... wait a second... Sigmar calls for aid. The agents of Death, Destruction, and Chaos are baring down and it is time to martial your forces and march for war! 

It is time for an Age of Sigmar Supremacy League. "What does that mean?" you may ask... Well, let me tell you!


Sign ups are open now and you can join at any point in the league. The entry fee is $15 per person.
This League will run for 4 weeks, and you can even miss an entire week and not hurt your final score. 
Week 1 begins on April 18th and run Monday to Sunday. 
Weekly scores will be published on Tuesday after the end of the week. 


When you sign up, you will select a faction to play for the entire league. This is not a Grand Alliance, but a specific faction.

Each week you will make a 2000 pt roster to use for all of your games that week. Play any number of games (2 games required for full score for the week) each week against any other League opponent you wish.

At the end of the week, scores will be tallied and a leaderboard published. At the end of the league, your lowest week's score will be dropped and your final score will be tallied. 

Game Scheduling

The easiest way to get in minis games is to schedule them with your opponent. The best place to do this is in our Armada Games Discord Channel. Join the channel, read then follow the rules, and join the conversation! 
League participants will be assigned the Age of Sigmar League role which will allow access to a channel just for league participants. 


In addition to the bragging rights you will earn by winning the league, store credit prizes will be given out to highest scoring players. The breakdown is determined by the number of players. Though we will not publish the individual award amounts, the total pool will be $10 per person who joins the league.